Use the game's built-in export translation to resolve version compatibility issues
wqerrewetw opened this issue · 3 comments
wqerrewetw commented
Use the game's built-in export translation to resolve version compatibility issues
usage: [--savedir DIRECTORY] [--trace LEVEL] [--version] [--compile] [--keep-orphan-rpyc]
[--errors-in-editor] [--safe-mode] [--json-dump FILE] [--json-dump-private] [--json-dump-common]
[-h] [--profile-display] [--debug-image-cache] [--warp WARP]
[basedir] [command]
The Ren'Py visual novel engine.
positional arguments:
basedir The base directory containing of the project to run. This defaults to the directory containing
the Ren'Py executable.
command The command to execute. Available commands are: add_from, compile, dialogue, director,
extract_strings, gui_images, lint, merge_strings, quit, rmpersistent, run, test, translate,
update. Defaults to 'run'.
optional arguments:
--savedir DIRECTORY The directory where saves and persistent data are placed.
--trace LEVEL The level of trace Ren'Py will log to trace.txt. (1=per-call, 2=per-line)
--version Displays the version of Ren'Py in use.
--compile Forces all .rpy scripts to be recompiled before proceeding.
--keep-orphan-rpyc Prevents the compile command from deleting orphan rpyc files.
--errors-in-editor Causes errors to open in a text editor.
--safe-mode Forces Ren'Py to start in safe mode, allowing the player to configure graphics.
-h, --help Displays this help message, then exits.
JSON dump arguments:
Ren'Py can dump information about the game to a JSON file. These options let you select the file, and choose what
is dumped.
--json-dump FILE The name of the JSON file.
--json-dump-private Include private names. (Names beginning with _.)
--json-dump-common Include names defined in the common directory.
run command arguments:
Runs the current project normally.
--profile-display If present, Ren'Py will report the amount of time it takes to draw the screen.
--debug-image-cache If present, Ren'Py will log information regarding the contents of the image cache.
--warp WARP This takes as an argument a filename:linenumber pair, and tries to warp to the statement before
that line number.
[basedir]\\lib\\py3-windows-x86_64\\python.exe "[basedir]" translate targetLanguage
wqerrewetw commented
@echo off
if exist "lib\windows-x86_64\python.exe" (
if not "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\windows-x86_64\"
) else if exist "lib\windows-i686\python.exe" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\windows-i686\"
) else if exist "lib\windows-i686\python.exe" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\windows-i686\"
if exist "lib\py2-windows-x86_64\python.exe" (
if not "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\py2-windows-x86_64\"
) else if exist "lib\py2-windows-i686\python.exe" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\py2-windows-i686\"
) else if exist "lib\py2-windows-i686\python.exe" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\py2-windows-i686\"
if exist "lib\py3-windows-x86_64\python.exe" (
if not "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\py3-windows-x86_64\"
) else if exist "lib\py3-windows-i686\python.exe" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\py3-windows-i686\"
) else if exist "lib\py3-windows-i686\python.exe" (
set "pyPath=%cd%\lib\py3-windows-i686\"
set pyFile=""
for %%s in ("*.exe") do (
if exist "" (
set ""
if not exist "%pyFile%" (
echo "python file not found"
pause>nul|set/p=.�Press any key to exit...
set /p tl=Enter the target language(default:english):
IF [%tl%] == [] (set "tl=english")
"%pyPath%python.exe" "%pyFile%" "%cd%" translate %tl%
anonymousException commented
Thanks for your suggestion. I will try to import this in feature version
anonymousException commented
Thanks for your suggestion , already supported in v2.0.9