
Primary LanguageTeX

Submission Instructions


All solution writeups (math, plots, explanations) in this class must be submitted electronically as a .pdf file. Preferably this writeup will be produced using LaTeX or Word, but if your submission will be handwritten and scanned, please use a flatbed scanner or a scanning app on your phone (raw photos will not be accepted). Name your writeup <your-sunet-id>.pdf (e.g., pavone.pdf) and place it in the base level of this directory (i.e., at .../AA274_HW1/pavone.pdf).

ROS code/bags

The submission script will search your catkin_workspace for the first ROS bag files it encounters that contain the random_strings topic and the turtlebot state/control topics. If you have multiple bag files and would like to choose which ones you submit, you may place your bags at ~/catkin_ws/random_strings.bag and ~/catkin_ws/turtlebot.bag.


To download the submission script, open this directory (i.e., .../AA274_HW1/) in your terminal and run git pull at the command line. Then run ./submit_hw1_code_and_writeup.sh and follow the instructions to submit!