
Design a logo for the repo

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Since the repo is quite popular now, we need to have a nice logo for this! πŸ˜„
I'm a big fan of material design, it would be great if we can get a real sweet material designed logo for the repo.

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I may be able to help out. Do you have any ideas for what to make it look like?

@devmattrick thanks for considering a contribution here! πŸ˜„
I have no preferences for the logo (do what looks good to you), even if you write a nice materially designed 'ongaku' then it would be fine.

Hi I have tried a logo for the Anime Radio, do check it out

Doesn't look that good @123survesh, I think we need a simple Ongaku written in some good styling.

Oh ok

What do you think about this one?

@123survesh thanks for your effort, but this one's complicated.
Probably can you create something with a nice material colored O with a music note icon inside it?

Something like this?

ongaku logo-01

@thedavidzhao looks nice, can you perhaps make an outline of O and put in a filled music symbol, essentially reverse everything.

@thedavidzhao It looks cool, what software do you use to create this?

@anshumanv something more like this?

ongaku logo-02-01

@123survesh Adobe Illustrator

Woah @thedavidzhao looks awesome! πŸ‘ πŸ˜„

@anshumanv I've created PR #237, not entirely sure if I have the right logo location or PR text body