Modules fail on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 as python-paramiko no longer available
robinsg opened this issue · 6 comments
When running a task with any of the SV modules error occurs:
"paramiko is not installed"
After reviewing the Red Hat site it states that the python-paramiko packages are no longer part of the RHEL distribution.
Running python3 -m pip install paramiko fails with many dependency issues.
The Red Hat site here suggest using python virtual environments.
Is there a recommended method for creating a venv and installing paramiko to use with yhe SV modules?
I have an update on this.
If I create a venv and activate it I can then set the ansible_python_interpreter to the python executable in the venv/bin folder.
On a RHEL 8 system which has Tower installed I can then install paramiko and run my SCV playbook from the CLI.
However, if the RHEL 8 system does NOT have Tower installed the install of paramiko fails with dependency issues.
So, after creating a venv and updating pip what else is required to enable paramiko so that I can run the SV modules on RHEL 8?
I managed to solved this.
Create a python virtual environment in the root folder of your Ansible project
Activate the venv
Upgrade python pip
Run: pip install paramiko
This will probably fail due to missing dependencies, if so then: -
sudo dnf install libffi-devel python36-devel make rust gcc cargo openssl-devel -y
pip install paramiko
Paramiko should be built from source now -
Ensure the playbook running the SV modules uses the python venv executable
a) add --extra_vars "ansible_python_interpretor=/path/to/python/venv/directory/containing/python3"
b) override ansible_python_interpretor in the playbook to /path/to/python/venv/directory/containing/python3
One caveat, you need to ensure that the python venv is activated before running the playbook.
Thanks Robin
pip install paramiko should just work providing you actually follow the first 3 steps (at step 3, run pip install --upgrade pip). No need to build from source
@swaroopska01 are you facing some issue? Paramiko is only required if you are using "ibm_svcinfo_command" or "ibm_svctask_command" modules. Rest of the modules don't require paramiko.