
TODO on how to transit smoothly

Andersson007 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Relates to ansible-community/community-topics#51

TODO on how to transit smoothly:

  • 1. Permissions. Everyone can create issues or only certain folks? We could start with everyone, then will see.
  • 2. Fill up README describing the purpose of the repo.
  • 3. Ask people in the Changes Impacting issue to subscribe to this repo in advance.
  • 4. Create issues in all collection repos here + 3d party collections + ansible/ansible with the announcement about this repo asking to subscribe (don't forget to mention Bullhorn and other stuff there).
  • 5. Announce via Bullhorn.
  • 6. Announce in Community meeting.
  • 7. Put a final comment in in the Changes Impacting issue and to its description that will say that the issue is no longer used redirecting folks to this repo.
  • 8. Lock the conversation in the Changes Impacting issue.
  • 9. Report in the Community topic and close it.
  • 10. (Optional) Think of possible labels for issues based on the history in the Changes Impacting issue, create a list.

@gundalow @tadeboro @felixfontein @briantist @sivel @mattclay
Anything else we should add to the TODO to make the move as smooth as possible? (please don't create the issues here before everything is done. I'll inform everyone directly).

to complete p. 2, created #2

I think doing things on the list should be sufficient to get the attention of people who followed the previous issue (and probably a few more).

The list looks very comprehensive to me, and I think it's fine to just get started on it and iterate as we go if we find there are additional items needed or changes to the current list.

@tadeboro @briantist @felixfontein (i saw your thumb-ups) thanks for your feedback on the TODO! Cool, will start on Monday

So, at the moment:
p. 1. 1. Permissions. Everyone can create issues or only certain folks? We could start with everyone, then will see. - OK, if no objections, we'll start with just the default permissions for the public repo, then will adjust if needed.
p. 2 Fill up README describing the purpose of the repo. - If no objections, I'll merge #2 on Monday and will go further.