
Enable KeycloakDS Datasource validations

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Keycloak uses a database to persist all the information of the system, this database is connected by a datasource defined in the underlying EAP platform without any kind of sanity or check process. It is a good practice to enable some validations in the datasource for a healhty life cycle and avoid issues in runtime when the connections are not running successfuly or they are suffering some issues.


This feature request wants to provide a way to setup this kind of validations in the KeycloakDS datasource as part of the collection, and it is open for discussion with the community.

Implementation Approach

For example a way of implementation could be defining a set of new properties to enable these properties, for example with something similar to:

- name: Playbook for Red Hat SSO Hosts
  hosts: sso
    - ../vars/variables.yml
    - redhat.sso
    - name: Include SSO role
        name: redhat.sso.sso
        sso_offline_install: True
        sso_apply_patches: "{{ rh_sso_apply_patches }}"
          - name: property1-name
            value: property1-value
          - name: property2-name
            value: property2-value
            enabled: true
            valid_connection_sql: Select 1

A new set of variables under a new datasource group are proposed, such as:

  • validation.enabled - boolean variable to enable this feature
  • validation.valid_connection_sql- String variable to identify a SQL sentence to check the connectio

The implementation could be done updating the standalone.xml.j2, standalone-ha.xml.j2 templates, or include some extra tasks using the cli enabling this feature.

The following tasks using the CLI could be an example of implementation:

    - name: 'Setup Database Connection Validator - Validate on match enabled'
      ansible.builtin.command: >
        {{ keycloak.cli_path }} --connect --command='/subsystem=datasources/data-source=KeycloakDS:write-attribute(name=validate-on-match,value=false)'
      become: true

    - name: 'Setup Database Connection Validator - Valid Connection SQL Check '
      ansible.builtin.command: >
        {{ keycloak.cli_path }} --connect --command='/subsystem=datasources/data-source=KeycloakDS:write-attribute(name=check-valid-connection-sql,value={{ valid_connection_sql }})'
      changed_when: false
      register: cli_result

    - name: 'Setup Database Connection Validator - Background validation enabled'
      ansible.builtin.command: >
        {{ keycloak.cli_path }} --connect --command='/subsystem=datasources/data-source=KeycloakDS:write-attribute(name=background-validation,value=true)'
      changed_when: false
      register: cli_result

    - name: 'Setup Database Connection Validator - Shared prepared statements disabled'
      ansible.builtin.command: >
        {{ keycloak.cli_path }} --connect --command='/subsystem=datasources/data-source=KeycloakDS:write-attribute(name=share-prepared-statements,value=false)'
      changed_when: false
      register: cli_result

NOTE: Sorry, I am not an Ansible expert, sorry for any typo in the Ansible syntax.

  • Feature Idea

Good job @guidograzioli !!! Thank you so much for this contribution!!! It will help many of our customers.

Is it an ETA for the next release? Thanks

on galaxy pretty soon, on hub next week :)