
Installation issue on Fedora 36

lm-gunjan opened this issue · 1 comments

Fedora 36 is being recognised as redhat in main task of install_ansible_rulebook therefore it try to include task install_redhat.yml which doesn't exist.

{{ ansible_os_family }} returns redhat which should be fedora

TASK [ansible.eda.install_ansible_rulebook : Install for RedHat] ******************************************************************************************************************** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"reason": "Could not find or access '/home/gunjankumar/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/eda/playbooks/install_redhat.yml' on the Ansible Controller."}

{{ ansible_os_family }} returns redhat which should be fedora

This is actually correct, Fedora is a distribution in the RedHat family.
Same as Ubuntu is a distribution in the Debian family.

The file should be renamed to install_redhat.yml.