
Support for private repos

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello guys! We've been exploring using a self hosted galaxy instance to share ansible playbooks within the company, however most of them are in private repositories.
By changing the scope in used by socialauth from public_repo to repo galaxy was able to get a token with required scopes to access private repos, so imports can finish successfully, however, when i try to ansible-galaxy install --server it fails the following way:

  • downloading role 'my-private-repo', owned by myorg
  • downloading role from
    [ERROR]: failed to download the file: HTTP Error 404: Not Found <= This happens because the ansible-galaxy cli app just downloads the resource via a plain HTTPS request without authentication, since the github token is not stored on the users machine (this is a good thing however) []

I'd propose some changes, which i'd be happy to implement as well:
Changes to the Galaxy codebase:

  • store the visibility of an imported role (public/private)
  • If the repo is private, display it somehow in the UI
  • Also reflect those changes in the API
  • Only allow authenticated users to install private repos
  • Also warn them, that the install might depend on their access to the given repo
  • Return the socialauth token of the user (we're already making sure you can only install private repos when you're authenticated, so this should not pose a threat with respect to the privacy of the user)

Changes to the ansible codebase:

  • If the user has rights to request an install from the galaxy instance, use the API provided Github Access token to get the artifact form Github.

Please provide me a feedback on this.

Thanks: Balint

This issue was moved to ansible/galaxy#45