`molecule list` finds scenarios in virtual envrionments
cidrblock opened this issue · 0 comments
cidrblock commented
Line 194 in 6daea25
We may want to comapre the glob result to the gitignore file.
Something like this may work:
example here:
(venv) nuc ➜ ansible.scm git:(molecule2) ✗ molecule list
WARNING The scenario config file ('/home/bthornto/github/ansible.scm/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/molecule/test/scenarios/cleanup/molecule/default/molecule.yml') has been modified since the scenario was created. If recent changes are important, reset the scenario with 'molecule destroy' to clean up created items or 'molecule reset' to clear current configuration.
WARNING The scenario config file ('/home/bthornto/github/ansible.scm/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/molecule/test/scenarios/driver/delegated/molecule/default/molecule.yml') has been modified since the scenario was created. If recent changes are important, reset the scenario with 'molecule destroy' to clean up created items or 'molecule reset' to clear current configuration.
WARNING The scenario config file ('/home/bthornto/github/ansible.scm/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/molecule/test/scenarios/driver/delegated_invalid_role_name_with_role_name_check_equals_to_1/molecule/default/molecule.yml') has been modified since the scenario was created. If recent changes are important, reset the scenario with 'molecule destroy' to clean up created items or 'molecule reset' to clear current configuration.
WARNING The scenario config file ('/home/bthornto/github/ansible.scm/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/molecule/test/scenarios/host_group_vars/molecule/default/molecule.yml') has been modified since the scenario was created. If recent changes are important, reset the scenario with 'molecule destroy' to clean up created items or 'molecule reset' to clear current configuration.
WARNING The scenario config file ('/home/bthornto/github/ansible.scm/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/molecule/test/scenarios/interpolation/molecule/default/molecule.yml') has been modified since the scenario was created. If recent changes are important, reset the scenario with 'molecule destroy' to clean up created items or 'molecule reset' to clear current configuration.
CRITICAL Failed to find driver None. Please ensure that the driver is correctly installed.
Note the warnings related to files found within a virtual environment which is ignored by git.