

crisidev opened this issue · 5 comments

I think what is missing now is a more structured documentation, especially as inline, with sphinx autogeneration and automatic push to readthedocs.

@ryanpetrello do you guys have an account on readthedocs? The sphinx generation part is quite easy to implement thou..

Regarding the inline documentation, here is the status:

tacacs_plus/ - not documented
tacacs_plus/ - not documented
tacacs_plus/ - not documented
tacacs_plus/ - not documented
tacacs_plus/ - documented
tacacs_plus/ - not documented
tacacs_plus/ - not documented


@crisidev no RTD account, but I'm comfortable enough w/ sphinx to set this up (if we actually had thorough docs, which we currently don't)

I can set this up, no problem. You just have to create the RTD account. On my local machine I can already generate doc for what we have documented. It can be a work in progress and improved ongoing :)

Implemented here: #18

Nice :D Now the doc is to be written, which is tedious :D