apb push results in "Exception occurred! 'module' object has no attribute 'configuration'"
rwsu opened this issue · 5 comments
On a fresh Centos7 VM, I used
apb 1.1.5-1.20180117190645.el7.centos
openshift origin 3.7.1
Pushing to local registry resulted in error.
Using project "ansible-service-broker".
++ oc whoami
++ apb prepare
Finished writing dockerfile.
++ apb build
Finished writing dockerfile.
Building APB using tag: [tripleo-k8s-mariadb]
Successfully built APB image: tripleo-k8s-mariadb
++ apb push
version: 1.0
id: 5a9eb5f8-cbde-4e62-a30a-9fa30006fc9a
name: tripleo-k8s-mariadb
image: tripleo/tripleo-k8s-mariadb
description: This is a sample application generated by apb init
bindable: True
async: optional
displayName: tripleo-k8s-mariadb
- name: tripleo-k8s-mariadb
description: This plan deploys mariadb on k8s
free: True
metadata: {}
parameters: []
Found registry IP at:
Building image with the tag:
Exception occurred! 'module' object has no attribute 'configuration'
@rwsu what version of the openshift python package are you running? See if updating it helps
Also update the kubernetes python package.
What is the OpenShift python package called? In any case, I did a system update and that did the trick. Thanks.
pip install -U openshift kubernetes
if you're using the containerized apb-tool, try the canary tag.
docker pull docker.io/ansibleplaybookbundle/apb-tools:canary
alias apb='docker run --rm --privileged -v $PWD:/mnt -v $HOME/.kube:/.kube -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -u $UID docker.io/ansibleplaybookbundle/apb-tools:canary'