
When there is a 'g' modifier in RegExp, format validator returns errors every even run

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var constraints = { foo: { format: /.*/ig } };
validate({foo: "bar"}, constraints); // => undefined
validate({foo: "bar"}, constraints); // => { foo: ['Foo is invalid'] }
validate({foo: "bar"}, constraints); // => undefined
validate({foo: "bar"}, constraints); // => { foo: ['Foo is invalid'] }
constraints = { foo: { format: /.*/i } };
validate({foo: "bar"}, constraints); // => undefined
validate({foo: "bar"}, constraints); // => undefined

This is because regexp with the flag g are stateful. Do this and it will work:

var constraints = { foo: { format: { pattern: ".*", flags: "ig" }}};
validate({foo: "bar"}, constraints); // => undefined
validate({foo: "bar"}, constraints); // => undefined