Getting Started with ReScreen


ReScreen is the next generation, fully integrated high-end development platform, with a 2.4inch LCD Screen, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity enabled by ESP32, and is powered by the Atmel ATSAMD51 Chip.


To interact with ReScreen, Arduino IDE is needed.

  • Download Arduino IDE from here, choose the verison according to your operating system.

Arduino Configurations

Once Arduino IDE is installed, some configurations need to be done:

  1. Navigate to Arduino Preferences, and copy the following Seeed Studio Boards manger url to Additional Boards Manger URLs: as follow

  1. Navigate to Tools -> Board: -> Boards Manger... on top of Arduino IDE. Search Seeed SAMD Boards in Boards Manager and install.
  1. Now, you can upload your program to ReScreen by selecting the corrent port and Seeeduino ReScreen(SAMD51) as Board!