
tools for converting between formats for a toy crypto suite

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple library which converts between Uint8Arrays and a variety of other encodings.

  • encodeBigInt
    • convert a Uint8Array to a JSBN BigInteger
  • decodeBigInt
    • convert a JSBN BigInteger to a Uint8Array
  • encode64
    • convert a Uint8Array to base64
  • decode64
    • convert base64 to a Uint8Array
  • encodeUTF8
    • convert a Uint8Array to a utf8 string
  • decodeUTF8
    • convert a utf8 string to a Uint8Array
  • encodeURL64
    • convert a Uint8Array to a URL-safe base64 representation
  • decodeURL64
    • convert a URL-safe base64 representation to a Uint8Array
  • encodeProquint
    • convert a Uint8Array to a pronouncable binary encoding
  • decodeProquint
    • convert a pronouncable binary encoding to a Uint8Array
  • encodeHex
    • convert a Uint8Array to a hexadecimal string
  • decodeHex
    • convert a hexadecimal string to a Uint8Array


var Format = require('cryptomancy-format');

Format.encodeBigInt(uint8); // BigInteger
Format.decodeBigInt(BigInteger); // uint8
Format.encode64(uint8); // base64
Format.decode64(base64); // uint8
Format.encodeUTF8(uint8); // utf8
Format.decodeUTF8(utf8); // uint8
Format.encodeURL64(uint8); // URL-safe base64
Format.decodeURL64(any64); // uint8
Format.encodeProquint(uint8); // proquint
Format.decodeProquint(proquint); // uint8
Format.encodeHex(uint8); // hex
Format.decodeHex(hex); // uint8