
Problem in determining the build backend in doc-build actions when no pyproject.toml file exist

Closed this issue · 4 comments

At the moment there is no check on the existence of the pyproject.toml file in our doc build actions. However, this file is leveraged to decide which backend should be used in our CICD, see

if grep -q 'build-backend = "poetry\.core\.masonry\.api"' "pyproject.toml"; then
if grep -q 'build-backend = "poetry\.core\.masonry\.api"' "pyproject.toml"; then

If this is a requirement then we should put it somewhere in the documentation. If that's not the case then we should fix the current action to add this check. Note that this would help projects which have no pyproject.toml file, e.g. projects mainly composed of examples. Currently, I'm not sure that they are able to use the doc-build action.

Note: speaking of projects without pyproject.toml file, we could use pip as default backend in those cases. What do you think ?

Which project is still not using pyproject.toml?

Which project is still not using pyproject.toml?

I was mainly thinking about example repos, e.g. pymapdl-examples or pymechanical-examples.

I don't think we have other public repos without pyproject.toml

Fine in that case =)

Agreed to use pip by default.