Problem when creating a material with anisotropic permeability and reading three nonlinear curves per spatial direction
stud935 opened this issue · 0 comments
stud935 commented
Hello, I'm trying to define the permeability of a newly created material. I want to set anisotropic permeability and define a non-linear curve for each spatial direction. However, I do not have the right command for this.
I was already able to achieve an anisotropic permeability with three values.
m3d.materials[material_name].permeability = [2.5, 1.5, 1.0]
I was also able to load one nonlinear permeability curve.
m3d.materials[material_name].permeability = BH_List_MSMA_hard
However, I couldn't implement the three curves I wanted. I'm grateful for any help!