
Changes in the 'result_files' DataSources helper

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Description of the feature

The description in the APIs documentation indicates that this helper gives a "List of result files contained in the data sources." . However, when using this helper the only file path given is the one from the main result file (The one used as an argument when calling the DataSources class, or the one used as an argument when using the 'set_result_file_path' function ).
Moreover, when using this helper with a DataSources object that has more than one domain, nothing is returned. An example:

from ansys.dpf import core as dpf
from ansys.dpf.core import operators as ops
ds1 = dpf.DataSources()
ds1.set_domain_result_file_path(path=r"D:\ANSYSdev\pydpf-core\src\ansys\dpf\core\examples\result_files\distributed\file0.rst", domain_id=0, key='rst')
ds1.add_domain_file_path(filepath=r"D:\ANSYSdev\pydpf-core\src\ansys\dpf\core\examples\result_files\distributed\file1.rst", key='rst', domain_id=1)

The printed result is:

Steps for implementing the feature

When using this helper, the goal is to have a list with all the results files in the DataSources object, even if they are not the main file. In addition, it would be great to be able to have a list with the files in different domains (actually, its not even evident if we can access each domain separately with this helper)

Useful links and references