
DPF-RST file compatibility

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Description of the modifications

Costas Vogiatzis ( asks the following:

"From a Python script I get the error below when attempting to access RST data from DPF. I was under the impression that one could use DPF to access RST files from earlier ANSYS versions. Can you please clarify how DPF version compatibility works specifically in accessing RST files?

Python Error: InvalidANSYSVersionError: Ansys v202 does not support DPF


Costas Vogiatzis
Aero & Mechanical Sciences
Honeywell Aerospace Technologies"

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Hi @agrishin,

Yes, DPF can indeed read RST files emanating from older ANSYS versions, the same way MAPDL can. I'll see where we can add more information on file version support.
The issue encountered here is due to the fact that DPF as a tool did not exist before ANSYS v211 as you can see here and here.

PyDPF libraries are client libraries which need a DPF server installation to connect to.
It seems like here your client is trying to use PyDPF with an ANSYS 2020R2, which does not include DPF.

What you can do if bumping to a more recent installation of ANSYS is not possible, is install a DPF server as a standalone application as explained here.

Thanks! Customer has been notified. I think we can consider this issue closed...