
refactor _populate_first_tasks_python_name_command_id_map

Opened this issue · 2 comments

    ## 1. The function name is difficult to interpret.
    def _populate_first_tasks_python_name_command_id_map(self):
        if not self._initial_task_python_names_map:
            ## 2. Iterating over dir instead of the relevant list of names.
            ## dir() is for users.
            for command in dir(self._command_source):
                ## 3. Require more systematic way to filter out unwanted names
                ## than mentioning SwitchToSolution explicitly.
                if command in ["SwitchToSolution", "set_state"]:
                command_obj = getattr(self._command_source, command)
                if isinstance(command_obj, PyCommand):
                    command_obj_instance = command_obj.create_instance()
                    if not command_obj_instance.get_attr("requiredInputs"):
                        ## 4. Going forward, this call is happening too late. The static info
                        ## shall already indicate the API names, and if this code picks up the names
                        ## differently then we will have already failed by this point.
                        help_str = command_obj_instance.get_attr(
                        ) or command_obj_instance.get_attr("helpString")
                        if help_str:
                            self._initial_task_python_names_map[help_str] = command
                    del command_obj_instance

These classes should also distinguish between getters and setters. The internal state should be updated by setters.

@mkundu1 Thanks. N.b. I was also updating the description in the meantime.