Reading 2023R1 CDB files fails
germa89 opened this issue · 0 comments
germa89 commented
The following code fails:
from ansys.mapdl.reader.archive import Archive
archive = Archive(r'2Blocks2023R2.cdb')
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[7], line 1
----> 1 archive = Archive(r'/Users/german.ayuso/pymapdl/tmp/2Blocks2023R2.cdb')
File ~/pymapdl/.venv_macos/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/mapdl/reader/, in Archive.__init__(self, filename, read_parameters, parse_vtk, force_linear, allowable_types, null_unallowed, verbose, name, read_eblock)
145 self._null_unallowed = null_unallowed
147 if parse_vtk:
--> 148 self._grid = self._parse_vtk(allowable_types, force_linear, null_unallowed)
File ~/pymapdl/.venv_macos/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansys/mapdl/reader/, in Mesh._parse_vtk(self, allowable_types, force_linear, null_unallowed, fix_midside, additional_checking)
183 # ANSYS element type to VTK map
184 type_ref = np.empty(2 << 16, np.int32) # 131072
--> 185 type_ref[self._ekey[:, 0]] = etype_map[self._ekey[:, 1]]
187 if allowable_types is None or 200 in allowable_types:
188 for etype_ind, etype in self._ekey:
189 # MESH200
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed
CDB File: