
Mechanical doesn't terminate when run in a Docker container.

ayush-kumar-423 opened this issue ยท 0 comments

๐Ÿ” Before submitting the issue

  • I have searched among the existing issues
  • I am using a Python virtual environment

๐Ÿž Description of the bug

Mechanical in docker doesn't terminate clean with mechanical.exit(). Mechanical is stuck at trying to terminate but stays there forever, with the image running but the instance is useless, you can't connect to it.



๐Ÿ“ Steps to reproduce


๐Ÿ’ป Which operating system are you using?


๐Ÿ“€ Which ANSYS version are you using?


๐Ÿ Which Python version are you using?


๐Ÿ“ฆ Installed packages

ansys-api-mechanical                  0.1.2
ansys-api-platform-instancemanagement 1.1.0
ansys-mechanical-core                 0.11.1
ansys-mechanical-env                  0.1.6
ansys-platform-instancemanagement     1.1.2
ansys-pythonnet                       3.1.0rc3
ansys-tools-path                      0.6.0
appdirs                               1.4.4
asttokens                             2.4.1
bash_kernel                           0.9.3
cffi                                  1.16.0
click                                 8.1.7
clr-loader                            0.2.6
colorama                              0.4.6
comm                                  0.2.2
debugpy                               1.8.2
decorator                             5.1.1
executing                             2.0.1
grpcio                                1.64.1
importlib_metadata                    8.0.0
ipykernel                             6.29.5
ipython                               8.26.0
jedi                                  0.19.1
jupyter_client                        8.6.2
jupyter_core                          5.7.2
matplotlib-inline                     0.1.7
nest-asyncio                          1.6.0
packaging                             24.1
parso                                 0.8.4
pexpect                               4.9.0
pip                                   22.3
platformdirs                          4.2.2
prompt_toolkit                        3.0.47
protobuf                              5.27.2
psutil                                6.0.0
ptyprocess                            0.7.0
pure-eval                             0.2.2
pycparser                             2.22
Pygments                              2.18.0
python-dateutil                       2.9.0.post0
pywin32                               306
pyzmq                                 26.0.3
setuptools                            65.5.0
six                                   1.16.0
stack-data                            0.6.3
tornado                               6.4.1
tqdm                                  4.66.4
traitlets                             5.14.3
typing_extensions                     4.12.2
wcwidth                               0.2.13
zipp                                  3.19.2