
support next14 and update doc

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Version of antd-mobile


Operating system and its version


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Sandbox to reproduce

No response

What happened?

when i added "antd-mobile": "^5.33.2" to "next": "^14.0.3", then i imported button component, got error _ahooks.createUpdateEffect

⨯ node_modules/antd-mobile/cjs/utils/use-isomorphic-update-layout-effect.js (8:72) @ _ahooks
⨯ TypeError: (0 , _ahooks.createUpdateEffect) is not a function

Relevant log output

No response

"use client" ?

"use client" ?



"use client" ?



Same happen to me. Are you using the Pages router @zhiyongsun? Cause in the new App router it works fine, but I turned my code to the Pages router (due to an opened issue) and I found this antd-mobile error. Same as you, importing only the Button component.

Same happen to me. Are you using the Pages router @zhiyongsun? Cause in the new App router it works fine, but I turned my code to the Pages router (due to an opened issue) and I found this antd-mobile error. Same as you, importing only the Button component.

yes, Pages router. app router it works

Same here, using pages router in Next 14.0.4, got an error just importing Image component

Page route in Next 14.1.0, antd-mobile 5.34.0, just import Button, has same error.

NextJS 14.1.3, 问题仍然存在
Collecting page data ..TypeError: (0 , n.createUpdateEffect) is not a function

To manually install ahooks version 3.7.2 and configure the transpilePackages option to include 'antd-mobile'
