
The operation bar in the list cannot adaptively display list items based on the content of the column, resulting in a single row display

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🧐 问题描述 | Problem description

I want to operate SettingOptionType to display the list content on one line instead of wrapping it, but there is no corresponding property to operate on. Once the column description displays too much content in other languages, it becomes a multi line display, which is particularly unsightly. I want to display one line

💻 示例代码 | Sample code

export declare type SettingOptionType = {
draggable?: boolean;
checkable?: boolean;
showListItemOption?: boolean;
checkedReset?: boolean;
listsHeight?: number;
extra?: React.ReactNode;
children?: React.ReactNode;
settingIcon?: React.ReactNode;

🚑 其他信息 | Other information

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