
About maintenance

kancollelover opened this issue · 2 comments

First of all thanks for your effort for creating this tool that bring lot of convinence.
I want to consult you some questions about logging .Every time after Kancolle offcial maintanance its unable to log into game by GotoBrowser immediately with webpage showing"still under maintenance", I have to wait until the next day then I can log into game. Is there any method to solve the problem?Further more can you tell me where is the cache folder?I can only find"com.antest1.kcanotify"but cant find "com.antest1.gotobrowser" in "data"folder
Thank you very much.

Maybe this is due to the caching behavior or gadget server issue, are you using the default value for the gadget bypass? (url replacement and
About the cache folder, it is located in the app-specific storage, which cannot be accessed without root permission.
(I think it is /data/data/com.antest1.gotobrowser/files/)

Add: when you caching on application external storage (enabled from settings),
the cache folder exists in /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.antest1.gotobrowser/files/.