- 3
- 1
- 1
Incorporate something like npm-run-all that allows for running multiple scripts synchronous or in parallel (ie `generate:*`)
#243 opened by chrisbull - 1
- 1
Provide completion script for `nr`
#240 opened by sevenc-nanashi - 3
Escape key behaves like Enter in interactive mode
#236 opened by qadzek - 0
Support independent installation
#237 opened by kopach - 3
What's the alternative for `npm create`?
#234 opened by lamualfa - 0
Bundling of tinyexec removes alias which prevents duplicate import of createRequire
#235 opened by Codex- - 3
Use `package-manager-detector` in this library
#218 opened by benmccann - 2
don't working in node 14
#197 opened by Debbl - 3
ni and nci fail with version 0.22.2
#224 opened by gaetan-shopopop - 1
New `nd` `ns` `nt` `nb` shortcut commands
#221 opened by musicq - 2
More environment variables that override config
#158 opened by FossPrime - 0
Recommended Setup for using Expo Install
#212 opened by ThatGuySam - 2
Support `node --run`
#210 opened by BoscoDomingo - 0
- 1
Support JSR
#206 opened by tmg0 - 3
asdf plugin
#198 opened by CanRau - 0
using nr in vscode integrated terminal on Windows, only 1 out of 2 keystrokes works after exiting.
#203 opened by eai04191 - 2
Support load config in ~/.config/.nirc
#195 opened by CoolPlayLin - 4
incompatible with nushell
#153 opened by eikaramba - 1
Export command generators
#156 opened by Zeko369 - 1
- 1
EPERM: operation not permitted
#193 opened by ianzone - 1
- 2
the node version is 14.17.6
#192 opened by waleiwalei - 5
- 1
- 1
If configured a global agent in `~/.nirc` and run `ni -g` inside a workspace, the global agent became `npm`.
#187 opened by so1ve - 3
Error when I use ni
#184 opened by merlinalex1028 - 0
Crash on first install
#182 opened by Dimava - 1
- 2
New installation method that does not rely on NPM, can be installed and upgraded independently.
#181 opened by baboon-king - 4
Enhancement for non-interactive use cases
#178 opened by LinuxSuRen - 2
- 1
Command "ni" does not work in Windows 11
#176 opened by akirarika - 1
Support interactive updates to npm projects
#168 opened by gingermusketeer - 1
- 2
doesn't work with pnpm env
#154 opened by ianzone - 0
Incorrect handling for quoted arguments
#157 opened by soorria - 1
- 4
how to upgrade package manager itself
#161 opened by Lionad-Morotar - 2
Adding support for Bit workspace
#155 opened by zkochan - 1
Make it smart/compatible with rushjs
#150 opened by brunos3d - 1
关于 `Trouble shooting` 修复 window PowerShell 冲突的脚本
#145 opened by Carina957 - 5
About `nix` - really reconsider renaming it
#143 opened by tunnckoCore - 1
When `nr` is run concurrently, `nr` may not work
#144 opened by neoki07 - 1
- 2
the command not found after updated macos
#142 opened by nasirDoe