- 3
[@vueuse useStorage] Lost data in localStorage when I refresh the page? dev normal. after build deploy error.
#544 opened by whoooami - 0
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
#543 opened by elbbub - 1
Regarding the evolution of Vitesse framework
#540 opened by bitsnaps - 0
Module install order
#538 opened by bekjon-me - 1
window type error
#537 opened by howiepu - 2
- 1
- 1
Language preferences are not preserved
#511 opened by Dup4 - 0
Running in subdirectory giving page not found.
#534 opened by iang0ld - 1
Font inconsistency between local run and online demo
#505 opened by nailuox - 0
route layout not working
#530 opened by skyline523 - 2
- 0
- 3
layout feature doesn't work
#517 opened by mamboer - 3
Is there a plan to support jsx?
#521 opened by whoooami - 1
carbon icon integration with VS Code
#509 opened by dedicated-1 - 0
Page `hi` is missing dynamic route parameters
#514 opened by yeojongki - 1
Consider using `unplugin-vue-router`
#510 opened by Dimava - 2
I can‘t use ref in the vue^3.3.4and vite^4.4.5
#512 opened by nightmare-mio - 1
tsconfig error
#508 opened by Mikasa33 - 0
#506 opened by weiShaoY - 3
When I use markdown as the page, the code block shows both themes, because is it an example?
#495 opened by Carina957 - 3
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Composable syntax
#500 opened by sjkey - 0
tsconfig.json configuration in Vue project
#497 opened by kirklin - 2
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- 1
Eslint and Prettier Conflicts
#485 opened by ademtonay - 1
When using the ant-design-vue button, the button background-color is overwritten by the reset style.
#484 opened by lessroc - 1
- 0
I18n Lazy loading
#481 opened by riderx - 3
unjs/head@v1.1.0 changed thier schema, resulting in @vueuse/head schema being incorrect and an empty title tag on SSG render
#478 opened by Saganic - 2
alias with ~ error in <img /> usage
#429 opened by a1mersnow - 2
- 1
Missing peer @vue/compiler-dom@^3.0.1
#470 opened by Sjoerd82 - 1
Vite-Plugin-Preview broken
#447 opened by bennyty - 0
Error when testing home page with i18n
#454 opened by pablosirera - 2
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Flash on reload without cache
#428 opened by jbaubree - 2
markdown style issues
#426 opened by socketbear - 1
I can't do component test with Cypress
#424 opened by bernardo-zuchowski - 3
#421 opened by codeblockhead - 0
After the deployment of netlify, the speed of loading JS files is particularly slow, please help me to check, Thanks
#420 opened by lita-jerry - 1
tailwind config
#416 opened by mohsensami - 0
Port 80 is always running the Vitesse project. I don't know how to close it or uninstall it
#405 opened by zhuhaobam