
Steps containing Data-Table and DocString fail

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi there!
First of all thanks for the linter and its maintenance!

I just wonder why this is disallowed? 🤔


    When user does something
      | a | b |

lead to

Parser errors:
(x:y): expected: #EOF, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ExamplesLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got '      | a | b |

But I don't see any mentions in reference that it's disallowed to combine them
Moreover, it works with quite a lot of cucumber-runners, JetBrains plugin also marks such syntax as valid.

here we are using the cucumber go library to parse the file, the message above is from the library.

Oh, got it, in that case the issue should be redirected, since there seems to be a difference in the behavior of the implementations for different languages.


I checked if it could come from another part of the code but it seems to be really coming from their side.

@DDtKey Hi, from what I get in the ticket to cucumber, nothing will be done to support that behaviour right?

Yes, I think so, the behavior will be documented.

Let's close the issue. Thank you!

Thank you for reporting that here and to cucumber!