
No access to location, doesn't appear under Location Services

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iPhone 4s, iOS 7.1.2

GoodNight seems to work fine so far; however, although my Location Services is on, it does not appear under Location Services so that I can give access to it and enable Color Changing (Location) mode. Trying to enable this mode results in a No access to location popup. I double-checked my Bundle Identifiers and appGroupIDs, uninstalled and reinstalled the app, turned on Background App Refresh, reset Location & Privacy, and restarted my phone—still unresolved.

Can anyone with another iOS7 device confirm this? I currently only have access to iOS8and iOS9 devices.

i've got an old iPhone 4s running iOS 6.1.3 ... Changed the project's iOS Deployment Target to 6.1 and successfully installed GoodNight, but it opens to a black screen.

Would i need to upgrade to iOS 7 in order to perform the test, or is GoodNight in principle compatible with iOS 6.1?

This was the debug error in the XCode console:

2016-01-22 21:00:15.489 GoodNight[136:907] -[NSUserDefaults initWithSuiteName:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1f096f40
2016-01-22 21:00:15.494 GoodNight[136:907] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSUserDefaults initWithSuiteName:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1f096f40'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x31eda2a3 0x39c0297f 0x31edde07 0x31edc531 0x31e33f68 0x5e201 0x33d42ad9 0x33d42663 0x33d3a84b 0x33ce2c39 0x33ce26cd 0x33ce211b 0x359fa5a3 0x359fa1d3 0x31eaf173 0x31eaf117 0x31eadf99 0x31e20ebd 0x31e20d49 0x33d39485 0x33d36301 0x6538d 0x3a039b20)
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception

No, 6.x is not possible due to the fact that this app requires several 7.x and higher APIs. Sorry.

Cool! Thanks for the response. i'll upgrade to 7.x then and give this guy a whirl ;)

Dang. Apple's stopped signing iOS 7.1.2 and i don't have any SHSH blobs saved for this device. Sorry folks