
Bedtime Mode not activating in background

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This app is great! The problem I am having though, is I have to enter the app for Bedtime Mode to enact. Is this not supposed to activate in the background, or is it a bug?

Should be activated in background when one of the other automatic modes is also active. You know, that when you select 23:00 (11pm) it can take up to 23:15 (11:15pm) to be activated due to the fact that this app can take up to 15 minutes between updates in background (no way to go below this as iOS cares about BG execution times)?

You can see in the temperature view's footer below the automatic modes when it updated the last time in the background. Please check those times for further information.

Yeah! That's what it was. I feel pretty stupid right about now. :D Thank you!