
Running locally didn't work for me

JohnMarsing opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello Anthony,

I followed the instructions on your blog and I couldn't log in locally. When I published it and tried to login it worked.

After clicking the login page (https://localhost:5001/login-providers) and clicking the Sign in with Github link it returns to https://localhost:5001/.auth/login/github and says Sorry, there's nothing at this address.

Here's my Blazor Azure Static WebApp GitHub page.

Anyway, thanks for the blog. Looking forward to when Azure Static Web Apps (ASWA) will have native support for Blazor and also when ASWA supports Azure Function using c#.

John Marsing

It only works when deployed. There isn’t a great way to test auth locally right now. C# functions as well as native building of Blazor apps are coming soon. Being able to use auth locally is going to be a bit further out.
