
Request: support for dark mode

korri123 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, with Mojave there's dark mode and normally quicklook will also be dark. It would be cool if this extension supported dark mode (e.g. dark background)

To support Mojave's dark mode and to resolve weird icon issue, I'm making dirty workaround code.
to view its code,
or to get quicklook binary, download attached file.

Thank you @darkbrow, I have found this issue ever since macOS 10.13 released. Since then, I abandon QLColorCode, and I almost forget what it is like when previewing a code file. Thank you so much!

@darkbrow, thanks a lot for the plugin.

There are some suggestion:
I want my font to be bigger
To have in-Finder preview option. Without this plugin there is in-Finder preview option.

Or take the files without any file-extension out of the plugin's supported extensions.

At the end, merge it to sindresorhus/quick-look-plugins

@darkbrow would you open the issues section on

Thanks @darkbrow for the dark mode support!