
Decrease the minimal macOS version supported by QLColorCode

justdayan opened this issue · 4 comments

qlcolorcode 3.1.1 -> 4.0.2

==> Upgrading qlcolorcode
==> Purging files for version 4.0.2 of Cask qlcolorcode
Error: qlcolorcode: macOS Catalina or newer is required for this software.

It's a (pretty) good question… I only have Big Sur to test… If you are able to check on older system and update the values to allow them… Fill a pull request 😉.

I got 4.1.0 installed on Mojave by editing the homebrew file and it seems to be working well:

brew edit qlcolorcode

Modify the file to contain:

depends_on macos: ">= :mojave"

It's an homebrew modification… Can you report to them?

PR submitted to Homebrew to reduce required macOS version to Mojave:
