
"Trail Finder" - Search for hiking trails near you by coordinates, state, or city. US/CANADA

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Trail Finder

Trail Finder 2 0

Website 06/10/2021

live site - https://anthonypena97.github.io/trail-finder/




Trail finders allows user to input location in variety of ways including by city, state, or current lat lon location.

Fetched results will display in 3 ways including: list of trails, map, image

Results in list element can be added to "to do" list and stored locally by cliking on link(or button to save).

To Do list populates dynamilcally as items are selected.

User can remove items from list.

Styling allows formatting for different screen sizes with a mobile first UI.

docs google com-HikeFinder-GoogleSlides (2)

docs google com-HikeFinder-GoogleSlides (1)

docs google com-HikeFinder-GoogleSlides

Links to API's and wireframe mockups:

https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview https://rapidapi.com/trailapi/api/trailapi https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YeTr1txjycer_Ky-fhGOn1EQl39n-ltKinsgPUMtPNo/edit?usp=sharing

Link to Google Slides for Project Presentation
