
Feature request: Hide squashfs filesystems by default.

sktsee opened this issue · 1 comments

currently on Ubuntu 22.04 and currently have several snap package installed. When using dfrs (0.0.7), all looped devices for every snap application shows up in the listing which is rather useless since they all show 100% utilization. Was wondering if squashfs filesystems could be added to the list of filesystems that are normally hidden unless -a or -aa is used to show them.

orhun commented

I think this could be achieved by updating the DisplayFilter enum:


Lines 104 to 106 in af57a71

Self::Minimal => vec!["/dev*", "storage"],
Self::More => vec!["dev", "run", "tmpfs", "/dev*", "storage"],
Self::All => vec!["*"],

I'm not sure where squashfs is mounted but I can look into it and submit a PR if @anthraxx finds this applicable.