
File path not linkified

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Any idea why this path isn't linkified:

/Users/david/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/7BD29374-43E5-40FE-BCA5-B1390C0559EE/data/Containers/Data/Application/9D25D0E1-3CAF-417B-A468-56815D016409/Library/Application Support/database.db

While this one (and every other one, in fact) is?


I thought maybe it had to do with the space in Application Support, so I tried alternately replacing it with a backslash escaped space, replacing it with %20, and quoting the entire path, with no luck.

because there is a space in the directory, recognition is not taking spaces into account (yet) as that can be extremely resource consuming. Maybe in a future version with a confuguration option

I stumbled upon the same thing, too. Had totally forgotten, that I had installed your plugin and reported this to JetBrains.
Here's the ticket (and my screenshot) that I opened (and now closed) at Jetbrains:

duplicate or better named #29