
File links do not work in build console

sdp0et opened this issue · 2 comments

Maybe it's me misunderstanding which console this plugin affects, To test this, I introduced a compilation error in my code. There;s a good chance this isn't a bug, but I couldn't find another venue that was sure to capture the attention of people with detailed knowledge of the plugin

Trying to troublshoot this, I've disabled any plugins I expect to mess with the console (just GrepConsole)

  1. Base case: With AwesomeConsole disabled attempting to run unit tests opens both the Messages and Build tool windows. From Build, the filename is clickable and opens the file in an editor. Messages doesn't exactly list things as a "console" but clicking the message

  2. Usually I delegate build/run actions to gradle (Settings>Build,Execute,Deployment>Buil Tools>Gradle?Runner. Running the tests here opens the Run and Build tool windows. Links still work in Build, but Run is just red text. My recollection from when this worked for me is that it was the Run and Build windows that had file names in stack traces tool messages hyperlinked.

3a) Enable Awesome Console, delegate to gradle. Only the build window opens. File names and web urls are blue and the cursor does change to a pointy hand over them. Web urls will open links in a browser. Gradle actions (rerun with --stacktrace) are clickable and deliver what they advertise. But clicking a file path/name just moves a cursor to that location. Since I restarted after enabling the plugin, neither the Run or Messages windows are available.

3b) Awesome Console enabled, no delegation to gradle. Only the Messages window opens, letting me see the error report, but none of the surrounding context that would be in a console view.

Am I just expecting this behaviour in the wrong place? Could I have some configuration or plugin making this now work. It just seems weird that enabling the plugin disables onr of the main things I want to use it for. Leaving it disabled makes navigating stacktraces in the Run window difficult (or am I wrong in thinking I remembering it doing that?) Or does gradle (or something else) hijack the console and mess things up?

I created a new, simple project. One class with a main method that prints some output. Here I'm just running main() directly rather than trying with unit tests,

If I print a path string in the build script before things compile, clicking the printed path ("D:\foo\bar") will open that path in a explorer window. The error message containing the file behaves as described above

printing: D:\stmp\foo  // <- clicking opens file explorer
> Configure project :
name: test, v:1.0-SNAPSHOT
> Task :compileJava FAILED
C:\tmp\test\src\main\java\ error: cannot find symbol  // <- blue and underlined, but clicking does nothing
  symbol:   variable ojut
  location: class System
1 error```

I have this same issue. During my build, some tests fail:

[ERROR] Errors: 
[ERROR]   GraphQLServiceTest.testService:85 » InvalidPath Use bracket n...
[ERROR] Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0

I would really like for the File.method:NN line to be linked...