
Line number not detected for traceback package line formatting

eransevi opened this issue · 2 comments

A common package in python is "traceback" and it's used by many core python packages. It has the following format for stack trace lines:

' File "%s", line %d, in %s' % (filename, lineno, name)

reference: lib-python/2.7/

For example: File "/Applications/PyCharm", line 38, in _patched_equals

However with this format the line number is not recognized properly by the plugin so the file is opened but not at the correct position.

Is it possible to support this formatting as well?

I'm using PyCharm CE 2020.1.3 and the plugin version of 0.1337.8

I confirm, and also:
by default pycharm would recognize path like this: File "/Applications/PyCharm", line 38,

but this plugin break it

This has been improved in 91bae3b
however there will still be whitespace boundaries which is a problematic portion tracked in #29
So for now only quotes traceback paths without spaces will work.