- 3
Create .srt file for created supercut movie
#23 opened by moonhouse - 10
Subtitle detection - find {videoname}.{lang}.srt
#20 opened by stuaxo - 3
Subtitles from freeview transport streams
#12 opened by stuaxo - 3
Possible to specify amount of words on each side ?
#22 opened by stuaxo - 3
search-type franken not working
#36 opened by opensourcegrappler - 0
Hangs on Windows Python 2.7
#40 opened by colms - 2
The Mac App! Wow
#44 opened by BaddMann - 1
- 0
- 0
Code for Electron OS X version
#38 opened by pietrop - 0
hypernym example works with 'body part' not 'body parts' which returns an error
#50 opened by fishmongr - 0
Making a supercut using videos with different resolutions / aspect ratios creates frame offset glitches
#51 opened by fishmongr - 1
videogrep ffmpeg mosaic
#43 opened by kadallah - 4
Trouble with making supercut from batch of clips
#41 opened by slew06 - 0
- 2
ImportError: No module named
#31 opened by adekbadek - 0
Search embedded subtitles
#34 opened by benwa - 0
Exception Attribute Error / Windows Error 5
#28 opened by pashakun - 0
Samples - show code used to create samples
#21 opened by stuaxo - 31
Encountering ValueError during operation
#5 opened by AlexMathew - 10
MoviePy fixes ?
#3 opened by Zulko - 2
The YouTube Function
#2 opened by flipperbw - 1
See nothing when i run the command
#1 opened - 2
Exception AttributeError:
#18 opened by grepinsight - 0
No video output
#53 opened by aukrohero - 1
"pip install pattern" error
#58 opened by raj6996 - 0
Create individual clips
#27 opened by bfeldman - 0
No subtitle files were found
#48 opened by Albertkaruna - 10
Is there any plan for python3
#42 opened by ZedYeung - 1
Not able to install videogrep in Arch Linux
#45 opened by eerie - 4
Replace subtitle tracks by voice recognition
#26 opened by louismullie - 1
Audio encoding issue
#35 opened by nalendar - 1
PyTube download problem
#32 opened by benchun - 7
- 2
- 0
tqdm module required
#6 opened by segordon