
Checksum error when installing JS on Windows

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Checksum error reported when installing JS on Windows

18:55:39.183 MESSAGE download_mgr.cpp:98 Checksum fail on javascript, tarball: sha256:cdbc89d337e42ff84fdcec3515ac0119d91a2ef06bd f2fa9dd9fb3a850283bbd, metadata: sha256:84abec391a936f2de2d39dad922b3f29d73974fbfa0 19c78d894c96f336c78b7
19:00:00.752 MESSAGE ocpn_frame.cpp:5640 LOGBOOK: 2023-03-29 17:00:00 UTC DR Lat 53.04450 Lon 4.85840

Turns out the bad checksum was on the wx3.1.5 build but seems to be stopping Plugin Manager from installing on OCPN 5.7.1 wx3.2.
Have rebuilt and catalogued for wx3.1.5.
