
Hardware choice and frequencies

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I wanted to purchase some freakwan-compatible hardware, but had trouble matching the models listed on the readme to those available. I also couldn't find any info on what frequency is recommended. There's a lot of choice between 433, 868, 915, 923 MHZ, 2.4 and 5 GHz. Lastly, it's not clear to me what the relation is between the LoRa module and the frequencies available. I found SX1276 modules with 923, 915, and 868 MHz, but not 433. Perhaps the list of recommended hardware could be expanded upon a little to include selection criteria?

The closest I found to "LILYGO TTGO T3 v2 1.6 LoRa module" was this:, which is branded as TTGO LoRa32 v1.2 _ 1.6 which I'm guessing is the correct one. But it seems there's also a T3 model which supports 2.4 GHz?

Hi @minosimo sorry for this late reply.

If you are in Europe¹ you can use both 433 or 868 MHz, so my suggestion is to choose one frequency and buy a couple of boards that uses the same frequency. We tested both frequencies, but 868 MHz had less interference when we tried² here: you could get different results since it depends on what you have around, but anyway both works well. In north of Italy 433 MHz is more used for example.

it's not clear to me what the relation is between the LoRa module and the frequencies available.

In different part of the world the frequencies used change (see 1.2 section of so the boards are made to cover all the frequencies available.

The board in the link you provided is fine, if you look at the photo of the back you will read T3_V1.6.1: I have one of this with freakwan installed.

But it seems there's also a T3 model which supports 2.4 GHz?

LoRa uses only sub-gigahertz radio frequency bands, I think that 2.4 GHz is related to WiFi that is supported by ESP32 itself.

¹ I'm supposing from the aliexpress link.


Actualy there are LoRa modules for 2.4G (SX1280) with 12 and 27dbm.

Anyway it needs to have 1280 support, from what i seenow FreakWan still have only 1276 support and waiting for 1262/68 and 1280 :)

@vladbondarenko oh thanks, I did not know about SX1280! :)