Integer division of `n/d` where `n = [-1, 1], d = -1` yields bottom
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Originally encountered by @svenkeidel, I'm providing an OCaml MWE.
We found that integer division of n/d
yields bottom when -1 <= n <= 1
and d = -1
. I have checked the documentation and I am not sure to understand this behavior?
open Apron
let run nv man =
let vars = Var.of_string [| "n"; "d1"; "d2"; "r" |] in
let nd = Array.sub vars 0 3 in
let env = Environment.make vars [||] in
let values =
(fun (l, h) -> Texpr1.cst env (Coeff.i_of_int l h))
[|nv; (-1, -1); (1, 1) |] in
let abs = Abstract1.assign_texpr_array man ( man env) nd values None in
let () = Format.printf "%a@." Abstract1.print abs in
let div1 = Texpr1.binop Div
(Texpr1.var env vars.(0))
(Texpr1.var env vars.(1)) Int Down in
let abs1 = Abstract1.assign_texpr man abs vars.(3) div1 None in
let () = Format.printf "assign(%a, %a) = %a\t=> r in %a@."
Var.print vars.(3)
Texpr1.print div1
Abstract1.print abs1
Interval.print (Abstract1.bound_variable man abs vars.(3)) in
let () = run (-1, 1) (Polka.manager_alloc_loose ())
@rmonat, thanks for submitting this issue.
I want to add, before the assignment of expression div1
to variable r
, querying the bounds of div1
yields [-inf, inf]
. I would have expected [-1,1]
Furthermore, with d = 1
everything works as expected.
Thanks for the report and sorry for the bug.
PR #101 should fix the issue. Could you confirm?
After the patch, I get no bottom, and the bounds for expression n/d1
is [-1,1]
Note that there is still an imprecision in the result of the assignment r = n/d1
. The linearisation and relational assignment provides -1-n <= r <= 1-n
, so , the bound for r
are [-2,2]
, despite the fact that the interval evaluation of n/d1
is [-1,1]
. This is due to the way the assignment is performed: first the constraint n/d1 - tmp = 0
is linearized and added, and then r
is removed and tmp
renamed to r
. Thus, it does not currently exploit the interval bound of the assigned expression (although it is easy to fix in the client application by adding this bound explicitly after the assignment).
@antoinemine, thank you for the quick response. I can confirm that it works now. Thanks!
Thank you @antoinemine for your lightning fast fix! I concur, the abstract state after assignment is correct.
As a side note, it seems that Interval.print (Abstract1.bound_variable man abs vars.(3))
is still imprecise -- it returns the top interval. But this may be more related to #96.