
Hook seed error

Seykhel opened this issue · 2 comments

##The dynamic update for the values don't work

The seeding of the dynamic value in the terraform.tfvars don't work.
See the image below.

Schermata 2019-05-03 alle 20 37 22

Hi Seykhel!

Thanks for opening this issue! For me, it means that you have at least tried this out! It really makes me a happier person and developer!

Closer to your point. I am aware that there are a bit too many dependencies to get the code generated by to work. Last week I started working on tfvars-annotations - a tool which will process terraform.tfvars and update values based on annotations specified there. This will remove the need for gnu-sed, jq and grep (each of these has different versions on different platforms).

I expect to release during next week and replace the buggy shell script during next week or two.

Meanwhile, you can get that script working if you install gnu-sed (brew install gnu-sed on Mac).

Don't hesitate if you have any other questions!

Hi Anton, I really appreciate what you're doing. Thanks for the reply and the good work.