script randomly overwrites the whole content
Seykhel opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
The "" script randomly overwrites the whole content of the "terraform.tfvars" files. I have updated the script bash like this:
# This script is used by Terragrunt hook to find and replace references in terraform.tfvars with the real values fetched using `terragrunt output`
# 1. check if this script has not been disabled using special flag (@modulestf:disable_values_updates)
# 2. get list of things to replace
# 3. go through the list of things to replace
# 4. get actual value
# 5. replace value in terraform.tfvars:
# a. When `to_list` is specified the type of the value will be converted to a list - ["sg-1234"]
# @todo:
# 1. Get values from other sources:
# - data sources generic
# - aws_account_id or aws_region data sources
# 2. terragrunt_outputs from stacks:
# - in any folder
# - in current region
# 3. cache values unless stack is changed/updated
# 4. functions (limit(2), to_list)
# 5. rewrite in go (invoke like this => update_dynamic_values_in_tfvars ${get_parent_tfvars_dir()}/${path_relative_to_include()})
# 6. make it much faster, less verbose
# Syntax:
# @modulestf:terragrunt_output.["eu-west-1/security-group_5"].this_security_group_id.to_list
# @modulestf:terragrunt_output.["global/route53-zones"].zone_id
# @modulestf:terragrunt_data.aws_region.zone_id
# @modulestf:terragrunt_data.aws_region[{current=true}].zone_id
readonly tfvars_file="$1/terraform.tfvars"
readonly parent_dir="$1/../"
readonly terragrunt_working_dir=$(dirname "$(find "$1/.terragrunt-cache" -type d -name ".terraform")")
echo "parent_dir=$parent_dir"
echo "TERRAGRUNT_WORKING_DIR=$terragrunt_working_dir"
readonly modulestf_disable_values_updates_flag="@modulestf:disable_values_updates"
readonly modulestf_terraform_output_prefix="@modulestf:terraform_output"
if grep -q "$modulestf_disable_values_updates_flag" "$tfvars_file"; then
echo "Dynamic update has been disabled in terraform.tfvars"
exit 0
# Sample keys:
# - the type of the value will not be modified
# - the type of the value will be converted to list
IFS=" " read -r -a keys_to_replace <<< "$(grep -oh "$modulestf_terraform_output_prefix\.[^ ]*" "$tfvars_file" | sort | uniq)"
for key_to_replace in "${keys_to_replace[@]}"; do
dir_name=$(cut -d "." -f 2 <<< "$key_to_replace")
output_name=$(cut -d "." -f 3 <<< "$key_to_replace")
convert_to_type=$(cut -d "." -f 4 <<< "$key_to_replace")
cd "${parent_dir}/${dir_name}" || return
item=$(terragrunt output -json "$output_name")
if [[ "$exit_code" != "0" ]]; then
echo "Can't update value of $key_to_replace in $tfvars_file because key $output_name does not exist in output"
item_type=$(echo "$item" | jq -rc ".type")
item_value=$(echo "$item" | jq -rc ".value")
if [[ "$item_type" == "string" ]]; then
if [[ "$convert_to_type" == "to_list" ]]; then
echo "Updating value of $key_to_replace with $item_value in $tfvars_file"
# set -x # print command: on
sed -i -r "s|^(.+) =.+(\#)+(.*)${key_to_replace}(.*)|\1 = ${item_value} \2\3${key_to_replace}\4|g" "$tfvars_file"
# set +x # print command: off
echo "Copying updated $tfvars_file into $terragrunt_working_dir"
\cp -f "$tfvars_file" "$terragrunt_working_dir"
What do you think about it?
Thanks for thу suggested changes. I have not experienced so wrong behavior myself, but I am working on an improved version of this script which already has similar functionality (and will have much more) but it still contains bugs so I have not announced it anywhere - . I will replace this script with this tool during May.
I got rid of this hack and implemented native support available in Terragrunt.
Please give tool
a try once more.
I have added a lot of new improvements, fixed many bugs, improved documentations.