
Clarify the VPC portion in acme-prod

sdot257 opened this issue · 1 comments

In acme-prod/eu-central-1 is a folder to create the VPC. If I have two regions and in this example there's a us-east-1 region, would I need to create a vpc folder w/ the same code in the us-east-1 folder? if so, I thought terragrunt is supposed to allow you to have DRY code?

Terragrunt indeed helps a lot with reducing duplication of the code, and the main differences which you need to provide are actual values for resources in different regions.

You are right, you will need to copy and update the content of terragrunt.hcl files.

PS: Consider using this - - as a reference. It works with a recent version of Terragrunt and Terraform 0.12.