
Question regarding p4runtime-go-client/example

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I have been using your example from to understand client connection and I was able to get primary connection.
You have a var binPath, what does it refer to?

/ondatra/featureprofiles/feature/p4runtime-go-client/cmd/example# go run main.go
INFO[0000] Connecting to server at
INFO[0000] Connected to server at
INFO[0000] New p4rt client connection made?
INFO[0000] We are the primary client!
INFO[0000] Setting forwarding pipe
FATA[0000] Error when setting forwarding pipe: error when reading binary device config: read /root/go/bin: is a directory

binPath should be set to the path of a file whose contents will be used to populate the p4_device_config field of the P4Runtime ForwardingPipelineConfig message:

For bmv2, it is simply the JSON file output by the p4c compiler. For other targets, it will be some other compilation artifact produced by the compiler (or a combination of multiple compilation artifacts).