
List of EDI Github Resources. Pull Requests are Welcome!




  • apifocal/x12-parser - Java library for parsing and creating ASC X12 EDI transactions
  • BerryWorksSoftware/edi-json - Serializing EDI as JSON
  • moqui/mantle-edi - Mantle EDI Integrations
  • mrcsparker/nifi-edireader-bundle - Apache NIFI processor that converts EDI ASC X12 and EDIFACT documents into XML
  • imsweb/x12-parser - A Java parser for ANSI ASC X12 documents.
  • smooks/smooks - An extensible Java framework for building XML and non-XML (CSV, EDI, Java, etc...) streaming applications
  • walmartlabs/gozer - The EDI X12 Standard provides a uniform way for companies to exchange information across different sectors.
  • xlate/staedi - General X12/EDIFACT stream reader and writer with support for validation of standards with optional schema customizations (i.e. implementation guides)


  • olmelabs/EdiEngine - Simple .NET EDI Reader, Writer and Validator. Read, Write and Validate X12 EDI files with simple EDI Parser written on C#.
  • indice-co/EDI.Net - EDI Serializer/Deserializer. Supports EDIFact, X12 and TRADACOMS formats
  • Silvenga/EdiWeave - Open Source Hard-Fork of EdiFabric
  • MassTransit/Machete - Cut through the Crap, with Machete, a text parser, object mapper, and query engine.







  • sezna/edi - Rust crate for parsing X12 EDI and acting on it. Supports serialization to a variety of formats including JSON.


  • jf-tech/omniparser - omniparser is a native Golang ETL parser that ingests input data of various formats (CSV, txt, fixed length/width, XML, EDI/X12/EDIFACT, JSON, and custom formats) in streaming fashion and transforms data into desired JSON output based on a schema written in JSON. See EDI and EDI readers for more usage details.

CLI utilities

Systems or Paid Services

  • abhishek-ram/pyas2 - A pythonic AS2 client and server

  • bots-edi/bots - Bots EDI Translator

  • Campbellony/X12SqlServer - Simple X12 data model with TSQL parsing procedures

  • EdiFabric/X12-Examples - X12 and HIPAA Examples for EdiFabric EDI Tools

  • EdiFabric/EDIFACT-Examples - EDIFACT and EANCOM Examples for EdiFabric EDI Tools

  • EDI Editor - X12 EDI editor

  • MicrosoftDocs/biztalk-docs - Microsoft Biztalk documentation

  • Mulesoft - Collection of Mulesoft Repositories.

  • T-Connect - T-Connect is a HIPAA-focused EDI management platform designed to accelerate claim and payment processing, improve first-pass adjudication rates and provide end-to-end visibility into the lifecycle of your data.

  • BerryWorksSoftware/edireader - EDIReader is a Java package for parsing business documents structured according to EDI standards. It supports the SAX and JAXP interfaces defined for XML, making it suitable for use in any XML-based system that allows the configuration of a custom SAX parser.

  • EDIdEv - The EDIdEv Framework EDI (FREDI) solution is comprised of an EDI tool and a customizable EDI application.

  • Odoo - Odoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business.

  • nextgenhealthcare - The swiss army knife of healthcare integration.

  • OCA/edi - EDI Modules for Ooda

  • Javonet/RDPCrystal - Java based EDI platform with example EDI solutions.

  • adamkasztenny/edi-schemas - JSON schemas for X12 and EDIFACT.

  • EDI Translate - Pay-per-use EDI to JSON translator service with mapping guide validation.


Public EDI References

  • X12 Reference - Free online viewer for all releases of X12 specifications.
  • EDI Guide Catalog - An open directory of the most-requested Stedi Guides, interactive EDI specifications that let you instantly validate EDI documents.
  • EDIFACT Reference - Free online viewer for all releases of EDIFACT specifications.

Syntax Highlighters

Free Online EDI editors

  • EDI Inspector - A tool for inspecting EDI files and getting a free JSON conversion.

Standalone editors

  • RKDN/x12Tool - A tool for reading and modifying x12/EDI files.

Implementation guide builders

  • Stedi EDI Guides - Define machine readable EDI specifications and publish documentation for trading partners.