New circle ci environment
antoniogamiz opened this issue · 1 comments
Currently half of the time used in testing and deploying the documentation in Circle CI is used to build perl6 and zef. I think I will use jjmerelo/test-perl6 container in order to reduce that time.
In addition, highlighting is not enabled, because a Nodejs environment is needed. I do not know if make a specific docker container with the same contents that jjmerelo/test-perl6 and a node installation.
I have made a specific docker container with jjmerelo/test-perl6 as base image. Now you can genereta your documentation and auto-deploy it in less than a minute (if it's of a little size as this one).
The Dockerfile can be found here =>
I still need to add Perl6::Documentable to the container, but for some unknown reason, 'zef' never finishes to update the cpan mirror inside the docker environment.