
Syntax highlighting seems broken on Emacs 25.1

elektronaut opened this issue ยท 9 comments

See syl20bnr/spacemacs#7336

In short, highlighting works correctly for the first file opened, but subsequent buffers lose most of the highlighting.

Emacs 25.1 now provides it's own scss-mode derived from css-mode, I'm guessing there is a conflict there.

Does anyone care about this ?

Same problem here. Any workaround?

Same here. ๐Ÿ‘

also have this problem! And some file is ok but others are not ! confuse me

caleb commented

If you're on Spacemacs and want to fix this issue you can disable this package (thanks phenix-factory):

dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '(scss-mode)

fix using css-mode in scss file

I'm affected by this as well. Using css-mode is not a fix since this is the repository for scss-mode.

I think the problem here is that there exists a scss-mode in css-mode.el which is shipped with emacs so this package is no longer necessary for simple support.

Hi, I'm not really using SCSS and this package anymore so I have not tested it in a while. Seems like if new version of Emacs include an scss-mode we should use that mode instead and forget about this one...