
The web page does not respond when deleting more than 400 lines of code using Ctrl+A

unitwk opened this issue · 4 comments

Node: v14.15.1
OS: Windows 10

About 400 lines of Javascript code, select and delete all, and the whole page will be unresponsive for about 5 seconds.


import { CodeJar } from "codejar";
import { withLineNumbers } from "codejar/linenumbers";

import { highlight, languages } from "prismjs/components/prism-core";
import "prismjs/components/prism-clike";
import "prismjs/components/prism-javascript";
import "prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.css";

const editor = document.querySelector("#file-code-editor");
const highlightFunc = (editor) => {
    const code = editor.textContent;
    editor.innerHTML = highlight(code, languages.js);
this.editor = CodeJar(editor, withLineNumbers(highlightFunc), {
    history: false,
    spellcheck: false,
    catchTab: false,
    preserveIdent: false,
    addClosing: false

Changing the highlightFunc function to this will solve this problem, but you will lose the text color.

  const highlightFunc = (editor) => {
      const code = editor.textContent;
      editor.innerHTML = code;
      // editor.innerHTML = highlight(code, languages.js);

Is there any better way to solve this problem?

CodeJar not designed as performant code editor, rather than small and lightweight.

Also, try to profile codejar, that is bottleneck?

Thank you for your reply.

I tried it under the official Demo and got the same result ( I type 400 lines of Javascript in the code box of the web page and delete them all will also cause slow performance.

I don't know the exact reason, but it may be a performance problem caused by the removal of a large number of HTML elements at the same time.

Yes remove is expensive operation for DOM. I don’t know any ways to improve it.

Also it maybe issue with contenteditable.