
-bash: countdown: command not found

bofeiw opened this issue · 5 comments

After installing go and do the install command, I still could not run countdown in Mac terminal, what's happening?

Screen Shot 2019-05-07 at 4 52 34 pm

Make sure bin in $PATH.

Sorry about late reply.
It works for me now. I manually cd into ~/go/bin and then typed countdown.
Im new to go, and struggled a while before get it works. If the install script automatically add bin into PATH, it will save new goers a lot of time. Would you consider this feature? @antonmedv ?

This is go feature. Make sure you properly installed go, ie added bin to path.


for other people who end up here:

If go/bin is not in your path, you can add it by ````/bin`

export PATH=${PATH}:`go env GOPATH`/bin